Petitions To Stop The Dog Meat Festival In Yulin, China. Please Sign And Share


If you are in US you can sign here to Capitol hill: Petition2congress

A world petition for everybody to sign: causes

If you are in the UK you can sign this petition to UK gov: HM Government

This is another petition to sign through, there you send a mail to Wang Kai, Acting Mayor of Yulin: Change

More pages below about the dog meat industry in Asia, they have petitions too that are VERY important to sign!

Change For Animals Foundation

No To Dog Meat

Animals Asia


Humane society International (HSI)

Please take your time to read, sign and share to as many as you can. Let us be the animals voices… They need YOU…





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118 thoughts on “Petitions To Stop The Dog Meat Festival In Yulin, China. Please Sign And Share

  1. Please, please, please STOP killing our best friends, our pets, our familymembers NOW!!!! BOYCOT CHINA! FUCK CHINA! FUCK ALL PEOPLE WHO EAT DOG AND CAT MEAT!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. absolutely sickening!!! makes me so angry people can fathom the fact of this being okay?! dogs are living breathing amazing creatures who have feelings, who get sad, and love so unconditionally just as humans do. EVERY LIFE MATTERS! this needs to stop

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  3. I’m shocked that the rest of the world allows this cruelty. I’m so disgusted and sickened by this. I am praying for an eye for an eye and may these people rot in hell along with all who are true monsters.

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  4. This is extremely heartbreaking, dispicable and disgraceful. My heart bleeds for all these poor innocent animals suffering agonizing pain, excruciating torture and horrific murder. Stop this disgusting abuse and killing on these poor defenseless animals. We must be the voice for these helpless animals. They desperately need our help, they are crying for compassion.

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  6. Dogs are a living anamel with feelings ,close to us humans they also feel pain , this is an outrage we should be doing more to stop these sick people . I’d love to boil one of them fucking bastards Alive and see how they like it !!!!

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  7. The world is watching..Stop this cruel barbaric trade..them poor poor dogs and cats going through horrific torture..have some compassion..I pray you get your karma

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Utterly disgusting… How can they kill animals in such a brutal manner AND BE ALLOWED TO DO SO? Do you have no sense of emotions or thought? are you even a human? I do believe in karma and every single person that has harmed an animal for no G** damn reason will burn in hell. what makes you feel better as a person to harm something that cant even talk to defend itself… this is damn pathetic. This is so wrong !!!!! Grow a damn pair and pick on something that’s actually worth the challenge!!!!! can not believe how our loyal companions are suffering around the world like this!! PLEASE STOP!!!!!!

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  9. these people are cruel. the animals suffer so much it is indescribable. Very sick that a person can do this to anything that lives. This needs to stop what ever it takes!!! Laws must be made against animal cruelty with severe punishment and children need to be tought that this is Very Very wrong.

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  10. yulin dog meat festival must be stopped and banned and illegal…..not a single person have a right to kill ,also live burn and eat any animals either its dog and any animals ……..because animals life is more costly then humans…………

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  11. People should act mature..if they are so fond of dog meat..or to celebrate a festival which involves killing.. Why don’t they just kill it..why to torture a creature..this should be banned very strictly.#banyulin

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  12. I like cows. The whole world is eating cows. What do i want to say with this? We live in a big world, all together. In this world people have differend kind of thoughts about sertain things. This people think differend about dogs than we do. In other countrys they think the same as we eat beef. They think … how can you cat a holy animal. So, respect these people when they like to eat a dog. Only i disagree the way how they kill these dogs, this needs to change in a human way.


  13. NOONE needs these people, there are TOO many and TOO many of them have an IQ of an amoeba. I think the dogs there are smarter and have MORE right to live. Why don’t these morons eat each other??


  14. Stop this madness…..these animals have done nothing to warrant this barbaric treatment…..cowards…..karma will come for you…..


  15. Voglio dire a questa gente che la carne fa male !!! E ancora di piu’ se l’animale soffre, infatti nel suo oeganismo si riversano adrenaline e altre sostanze dannose per chi mangera’ quella carne i sintomi saranno : infiammazioni, aggressivita, confusione, stres se, e a lungo andare, po,rtera’ problemi cardio-circolatori anche gravi e a morte precoce


  16. Absolute evil barbarians, about time they moved with the times. Ignorant vile ( I wouldn’t call them humans ) don’t deserve to breathe. They are cruel and heartless. Makes me despise the Chinese race!!!


  17. Please stop This cruelty? Why are you doing This? They are suffering! This is sick and it doesent belong in This worl to do like This! Treat them well and abuse them


  18. A questa gente vorrei dire quanto male fa alla salute mangiare la carne di animali fatti soffrire, l’uomo NON E’ CARNIVORO !!!!! E pertanto non trae benefiicio dal mangiare questa carne infatti nella sofferenza e nella paura l’animale produce adrenalina e tossine che andranno nei suoi muscoli , provocando in chi mangiera’ : infiammazioni dolori muscolo -scheletrici, stati d’ansia, attacchi di panico, aggressivita’, e a lungo andare malattie cardio-circolatorie, ictus e altre patologìe ché potrebbero
    anatologie che potrebbero portare anche a morte precoce, del resto per cio’che fanno ai poveri animali se lo meriterebbero


  19. Wouldn’t I just love to see those butchers treated the way they treat the animals! Hell on earth is China, for many people and every animal in it! Backward, ignorant and immensely cruel!


  20. This is an inhumane, barbaric practice. I respect cultural differences; however, there are some things that are universal. One of those things that is universal is the humane and kind treatment of animals. All animals. Including the animals humans eat.


  21. Pingback: Petition the Chinese government to stop the Yulin dog eating festival and pass animal welfare laws. | Surviving on Terra 3

  22. Please put a stop to this cruelty. Dogs are the most caring animals, having grown up with them all my life, they honestly become part of the family and can be so human like, mine protect me, my family and my home. This is outrageous and heartbreaking.


  23. Evil sadists! Well, it is time the world pays back China on behalf of the dogs, by not buying ‘made in China’ products. I want these bastards to know what it feels like to be a dog (or any animal for that matter) in China.


  24. Pingback: Thailand’s Dog-Meat and Skin Trade To China And Vietnam | One Person, One World.

  25. Really this is sociopathic treatment of animals, especially dogs and cats. They are so intelligent. They have great emotional intelligence. They are so aware and knowing. They have natural capacity for love, loyalty, and trust. We domesticated them as companion animals and we betray them when we are so cruel and torturous. We must protect the innocent, defenseless, and voiceless. We are only as good as this. Please show the world you are capable of compassion, reverence for life, and moral and humane actions. Enlightened people who wish to evolve are not capable of these acts. Great nations go forth with moral responsibility, leading the way in empathy, kindness, and love. Thank you.


  26. Please stop this before it’s to late for your karma! All animals have right to live life! Please please stop this and give the animals recpect, the are made bij God so please have respect and leave the dogs and cats and all other animals alone if you don’t like them! Think of your KARMA


  27. inumani aceasta rasa de galbejiti,canibali,,de ce nu va mancati intre voi nenorocitilor.ptr. aceasta rasa am numai ura,mizerabili,imputiti si criminali ASIA un intreg continent de canibali si bestii


  28. Is this nessersary to survive. It is cruel and barbaric done for greed and money. No thought for the suffering of animals


  29. Sick,disgusting ,sadtistisk ,cruel,barbaric,pure evil fucking monsters..How can this heartless monsters live whit them self.Stop tortured,boiled alive,skinned alive,electroucud ,beaten,hung,kill and eat man,s best friend..Stop this sadtistisk horror to this poor,sweet dogs how just want to be love …Stop this pure evil dog meat trade now..


  30. Please, let this stop!!!!!
    Animale diskette a good live , there love is so true!!!!
    China you are evil and don’t diserve to live
    Disgusting people thats wat you are


  31. I can’t comprehend anyone savagely cold-bloodedly murdering innocent defenceless dogs they love and trust unconditionally and only want the same in return I took up for the china nation saying that they didn’t abuse or kill dogs any worse than any other but after saying these disturbing disgusting pictures of actual proof of their odvious guilt in not only murdering dogs they also eat them my opinion now is they are a bunch of cold blooded and blood thirsty monsters lesson is learned i’ll never take up for any nation that’s been accused of being animal torture.


    • Oh aye Donna,the truth is right out there how they treat animals AND humans.. And the belief that the meat will taste better after torture is so sickening.. China is filled with cold hearted liars that torture animals and makes medicine of babies.. 😦 And even if there are a lot of good people too they must stand up for these poor creatures now!


    • pero que se puede esperar de los chinos, si entre ellos se comen , si no soportan mas nacimientos humanos , mucho menos van a soportar a los pobres animalitos, pero bueno me alegra saber lo que les pasa a los chinos, y ojala y ellos sean los primeros en arder en el infierno, ojala que nuestros países no permitieran la entrada a este tipo de personas , así como ellos no nos dan la entrada a su país que ni me interesa en lo personal, solo me interesa el bien estar animal


  32. These chinees people are not peopl but beasts! I really have no words than the hope the Creator will take revenge some day….


  33. Pingback: China Is One Of Few Countries Where Cat And Dog Meat Eating Are Legal And Acceptable. | One Person, One Opinion, One World.

  34. these people are discusting,they believe things that never happen,so leave the dogs alone,you wil not be a better person when you kook dogs alive and eat them,you wil be punisched one day,karma wil get you…


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