Chinese Baby Stabbed 90 Times With Scissor By His Mother.

article-0-1AC38D36000005DC-674_634x667Eight-month-old Xiao Bao

Stabbed with a scissor by his own mother, Xiao Bao needed more than 100 stitches after he bit her during breastfeeding. They live in Xuzhou, eastern China’s Jiangsu Province with his two uncles and it was one of them who found the boy in a pool of blood and rushed him to hospital.Xuzhou   Google Maps
Xiao Bao was stabbed 90 times by his mother, for biting her while breastfeeding. And although she confessed to having stabbed him, and although neighbours have expressed great concern, little Xiao Bao will still have to live with her and the uncles when released from hospital since she was found not having any mental illness. The little family makes a living recycling rubbish, and one can only hope that the little boy will be safe returning to a life in a dump with the mother who brutally abused her own child..





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5 thoughts on “Chinese Baby Stabbed 90 Times With Scissor By His Mother.

  1. Since the boy is being sent back, he will most likely die, and or be injured again, growing up in an abusive home. China is a hell hole and it’s no wonder people are leaving by the thousands every day.

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